Form 625

Report of Lobbying Firm


Form 625 is the quarterly disclosure statement filed by a lobbying firm (including individual contract lobbyists) each calendar quarter. If the firm employs one or more in-house lobbyists, then, for paper filers, a separate Form 615 (Lobbyist Report) must be attached for each lobbyist. Electronic or online filers file these as separate documents.


Form 625 has 6 sections.

Part 1, Partners, Owners, Officers, and Employees (p. 2)
Part 2, Payments Received in Connection with Lobbying Activity (p. 4)
Part 3, Payments Made In Connection With Lobbying Activities, Section A, Activity Expenses (p. 4)
Part 3, Payments Made In Connection With Lobbying Activities, Section B, Payments Made (p. 8)
Part 3, Payments Made In Connection With Lobbying Activities, Section C, Summary of Payments (p. 2)
Part 4, Campaign Contributions Made (p. 2)


This form populates the following 12 CAL-ACCESS files.

Name Description
EFS_FILING_LOG_CD Logs from the Electronic Filing Subsystem, which accepts and validates electronic filings.
CVR_LOBBY_DISCLOSURE_CD The cover page of lobbying-disclosure forms.
CVR2_LOBBY_DISCLOSURE_CD Extra information from the cover sheets of lobbyist-disclosure form.
F690P2_CD Amendments to lobbying-disclosure filings.
LEXP_CD Lobbying activity expenditures.
LCCM_CD Lobbyist campaign contributions.
LPAY_CD Payments made or received by lobbying firms.
LOTH_CD Payments to other lobbying firms.
FILER_FILINGS_CD An index that links filers to their filings.
SMRY_CD Summary totals from filings.
TEXT_MEMO_CD Text memos attached to electronic filings.


An example of Form 625.