Form 450

Campaign Disclosure Statement, Short Form (Recipient Committee)


Form 450 is filed by recipient committees that meet certain specific criteria listed in the Form 450.


Form 450 has 7 sections.

Cover Page, Type of Recipient Committee (p. 3)
Part 1, Payments Made (p. 3)
Part 2, Type of Statement (p. 3)
Part 3, Committee Information (p. 3)
Part 4, Verification (p. 3)
Summary Page (p. 5)
Part 5, Payments Made (p. 6-7)


This form populates the following 11 CAL-ACCESS files.

Name Description
CVR_CAMPAIGN_DISCLOSURE_CD The cover page of campaign-disclosure forms.
CVR2_CAMPAIGN_DISCLOSURE_CD Extra information from campaign-disclosure forms.
CVR3_VERIFICATION_INFO_CD Verification information from campaign-disclosure forms.
EXPN_CD Itemized campaign expenditures.
F495P2_CD Supplemental pre-election campaign statements.
EFS_FILING_LOG_CD Logs from the Electronic Filing Subsystem, which accepts and validates electronic filings.
FILER_FILINGS_CD An index that links filers to their filings.
SMRY_CD Summary totals from filings.
SPLT_CD Split transaction records used as a child record for a number of forms.
TEXT_MEMO_CD Text memos attached to electronic filings.


An example of Form 450.