Every version of each repayment/forgiveness of a loan by a campaign filer circa 2001.
Information about the 37 fields and the definitions of any abbreviated values.
Amount paid back or forgiven during the period covered by the filing (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_AMT1)
Date the loan was orginally made (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_DATE1)
Date when the loan repayment or forgiveness occurred (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_DATE2)
Foreign key referring to the version of the Form 460 that includes the outstanding loan
Interest rate of the loan. This is sometimes expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0.10) and other times as a percent (e.g., 10.0% (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_RATE)
City of the intermediary (from LOAN_CD.INTR_CITY)
First name of the intermediary (from LOAN_CD.INTR_NAMF)
Last name of the intermediary or business name (from LOAN_CD.INTR_NAML)
Name suffix of the intermediary (from LOAN_CD.INTR_NAMS)
State of the intermediary (from LOAN_CD.INTR_ST)
Name title of the intermediary (from LOAN_CD.INTR_NAMT)
Zip code (usually zip5, sometimes zip9) of the intermediary (from LOAN_CD.INTR_ZIP4)
Line number of the filing form where the loan is itemized (from LOAN_CD.LINE_ITEM)
A value assigned by the filer which refers to the item'sfootnote in the TEXT_MEMO_CD table (from LOAN_CD.MEMO_REFNO)
Outstanding balance of the loan at the end of the period covered by the filing (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_AMT2)
City of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_CITY)
Code describing the recipient (from LOAN_CD.ENTITY_CD)
Code | Definition |
Committee |
Individual |
Other |
Political Party |
Recipient committee |
Small Contributor Committee |
??? |
Unknown value |
Recipient's filer identification number, if it is a committee (from LOAN_CD.CMTE_ID)
Employer of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_EMP)
First name of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LNDR_NAMF)
Indicates whether or not the recipient is self-employed(from LOAN_CD.LOAN_SELF)
Last name of the recipient or business name (from LOAN_CD.LNDR_NAML)
Name suffix of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LNDR_NAMS)
Occupation of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_OCC). Note that, in some cases, the value seems to actually be the recipient's committee ID.
State of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_ST)
Name title of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LNDR_NAMT)
Zip code (usually zip5, sometimes zip9) of the recipient (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_ZIP4)
Indicates whether the item is a loan repayment to the campaign filer, a repayment by a third-party or a loan forgiveness by the campaign filer (from LOAN_CD.LOAN_TYPE)
Code | Definition |
H2F |
Forgiven |
H2R |
Repay |
H2T |
Third party payment |
Identifies a unique transaction across versions of the a given Form 460 filing (from LOAN_CD.TRAN_ID)
City of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_CITY)
First name of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_NAMF)
Last name of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_NAML)
Name suffix of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_NAMS)
State of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_ST)
Name title of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_NAMT)
Zip code (usually zip5, sometimes zip9) of the recipient committee's treasurer (from LOAN_CD.TRES_ZIP4)