
Every version of each accrued expense of a campaign filer.


Information about the 28 fields and the definitions of any abbreviated values.

amount_incurred   Decimal number

Amount incurred this period (from DEBT_CD.AMT_INCUR)

amount_paid   Decimal number

Amount paid this period (from DEBT_CD.AMT_PAID)

begin_balance   Decimal number

Outstanding balance at the beginning of period covered by the filing (from DEBT_CD.BEG_BAL)

end_balance   Decimal number

Outstanding balance at the end of period covered by the filing (from DEBT_CD.END_BAL)

filing_version   Foreign Key (type determined by related field)

Foreign key referring to the version of the Form 460 that includes the Schedule F items

id   Integer

line_item   Integer

Line number of the filing form where the unpaid bill is itemized (from DEBT_CD.LINE_ITEM)

memo_code   Boolean (Either True or False)

Memo amount flag (from DEBT_CD.MEMO_CODE)

memo_reference_number   String (up to %(max_length)s)

A value assigned by the filer which refers to the item'sfootnote in the TEXT_MEMO_CD table (from DEBT_CD.MEMO_REFNO)

parent_transaction_id   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Refers to a parent transaction itemized on the same Form 460 filing (from DEBT_CD.BAKREF_TID)

payee_city   String (up to %(max_length)s)

City of the payee (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_CITY)

payee_code   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Code describing the payee (from DEBT_CD.ENTITY_CD)

Code Definition
BNM Ballot measure's name/title
COM Committee
IND Individual
OTH Other
PTY Political Party
RCP Recipient committee
SCC Small Contributor Committee
??? Unknown value

payee_committee_id   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Payee's filer identification number, if it is a committee (from DEBT_CD.CMTE_ID)

payee_firstname   String (up to %(max_length)s)

First name of the payee (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_NAMF)

payee_lastname   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Last name of the payee or business name (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_NAML)

payee_name_suffix   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Name suffix of the payee (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_NAMS)

payee_state   String (up to %(max_length)s)

State of the payee (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_ST)

payee_title   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Name title of the payee (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_NAMT)

payee_zip   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Zip code (usually zip5, sometimes zip9) of the payee (from DEBT_CD.PAYEE_ZIP4)

payment_code   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Code describing the payment (from DEBT_CD.EXPN_CODE)

Code Definition
CMP Campaign paraphernalia/miscellaneous
CNS Campaign consultants
CTB Contribution (if nonmonetary, explain)*
CVC Civic donations
FIL Candidate filing/ballot feeds
FND Fundraising events
IKD In-kind contribution (nonmonetary)
IND Independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)*
LEG Legal defense
LIT Campaign literature and mailings
LON Loan
MBR Member communications
MON Monetary contribution
MTG Meetings and appearances
OFC Office expenses
PET Petition circulating
PHO Phone banks
POL Polling and survey research
POS Postage, delivery and messenger services
PRO Professional services (legal, accounting)
PRT Print ads
RAD Radio airtime and production costs
RFD Returned contributions
SAL Campaign workers salaries
TEL T.V. or cable airtime and production costs
TRC Candidate travel, lodging and meals (explain)
TRS Staff/spouse travel, lodging and meals (explain)
TSF Transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor
VOT Voter registration
WEB Information technology costs (internet, e-mail)
??? Unknown value

payment_description   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Purpose of payment and/or description/explanation (from DEBT_CD.EXPN_DSCR)

transaction_id   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Identifies a unique transaction across versions of the a given Form 460 filing (from DEBT_CD.TRAN_ID)

treasurer_city   String (up to %(max_length)s)

City of the payee committee's treasurer (from DEBT_CD.TRES_CITY)

treasurer_firstname   String (up to %(max_length)s)

First name of the payee committee's treasurer (from DEBT_CD.TRES_NAMF)

treasurer_lastname   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Last name of the payee committee's treasurer (from DEBT_CD.TRES_NAML)

treasurer_name_suffix   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Name suffix of the payee committee's treasurer (from DEBT_CD.TRES_NAMS)

treasurer_state   String (up to %(max_length)s)

State of the payee committee's treasurer (from DEBT_CD.TRES_ST)

treasurer_title   String (up to %(max_length)s)

Name title of the payee committee's treasurer (from DEBT_CD.TRES_NAMT)