
Every candidate for a public office.


Information about the 19 fields and the definitions of any abbreviated values.

calaccess_filer_id_count   Integer

Count of filer_ids assigned to the person in CAL-ACCESS.

created_at   Date (with time)

The date and time of creation.

election_date   Date (without time)

Final or only date when eligible voters may cast their ballots in the Election. Typically this is also the same date when results of the election's contests are first publicly reported.

election_name   String (up to 300)

Name of the Election.

form501_filing_count   Integer

Count of Form 501s filed by the candidate.

is_incumbent   Boolean (Either True or False)

Indicates whether the candidate is seeking re-election to a public office he/she currently holds

latest_calaccess_filer_id   String (up to 300)

Most recent filer_id assigned to the person in CAL-ACCESS.

latest_form501_filing_id   Integer

CAL-ACCESS identifier for the candidate's most recent Form 501 filing.

name   String (up to 300)

For preserving the candidate's name as it was of the candidacy.

ocd_candidacy_id   String (up to 50)

Open Civic Data-style id in the format ``ocd-candidacy/{{uuid}}``.

ocd_contest_id   String (up to 48)

Reference to an OCD CandidateContest representing the contest in which the candidate is competing.

ocd_election_id   String (up to 49)

Reference to the Election in which the contest is decided.

ocd_party_id   String (up to 53)

Reference to the Organization representing the political party that nominated the candidate or would nominate the candidate (as in the case of a partisan primary).

ocd_person_id   String (up to 47)

Reference to the Person who is the candidate.

ocd_post_id   String (up to 45)

Reference to Post representing the public office for which the candidate is seeking election.

office   String (up to 300)

Public office for which the candidate is seeking election.

party_name   String (up to 300)

Name of the political party that nominated the candidate or would nominate the candidate (as in the case of a partisan primary).

special_election   Boolean (Either True or False)

Indicates the previous public office holder vacated the post before serving a full term.

updated_at   Date (with time)

The date and time of the last update.