A contest among candidates seeking election to one or more public offices.
Information about the 12 fields and the definitions of any abbreviated values.
The date and time of creation.
Reference to the Division that defines the political geography of the contest, e.g., a specific Congressional or State Senate district. Should be a subdivision of the Division referenced by the contest's Election.
Reference to the Election in which the contest is decided.
A key-value store for storing arbitrary information not covered elsewhere.
Open Civic Data-style id in the format ``ocd-contest/{{uuid}}``.
Name of the contest, not necessarily as it appears on the ballot.
Number of candidates that are elected in the contest, i.e. 'N' of N-of-M.
If the contest is among candidates of the same political party, e.g., a partisan primary election, reference to the Organization representing that party.
Indicates the previous public office holder vacated the post before serving a full term.
If this contest is a runoff to determine the outcome of a previously undecided contest, reference to that CandidateContest.
The date and time of the last update.