
A contest in which voters select from among options proposed in a ballot measure.


Information about the 12 fields and the definitions of any abbreviated values.

classification   String (up to 300)

Describes the origin and/or potential outcome of the ballot measure, e.g., "initiative statute", "legislative constitutional amendment".

created_at   Date (with time)

The date and time of creation.

description   Text

Text describing the purpose and/or potential outcomes of the ballot measure, not necessarily as it appears on the ballot.

division_id   String (up to 300)

Reference to the Division that defines the political geography of the contest, e.g., a specific Congressional or State Senate district. Should be a subdivision of the Division referenced by the contest's Election.

election_id   String (up to 49)

Reference to the Election in which the contest is decided.

extras   A JSON object

A key-value store for storing arbitrary information not covered elsewhere.

id   String (up to 48)

Open Civic Data-style id in the format ``ocd-contest/{{uuid}}``.

locked_fields   Array of Text

name   String (up to 300)

Name of the contest, not necessarily as it appears on the ballot.

requirement   String (up to 300)

The threshold of votes the ballot measure needs in order to pass.

runoff_for_contest_id   String (up to 48)

If this contest is a runoff to determine the outcome of a previously undecided contest, reference to that BallotMeasureContest.

updated_at   Date (with time)

The date and time of the last update.