Form 606

Notice of Termination


Form 606 is filed by any lobbying firm, registered lobbyist employer, lobbying coalition or lobbyist who wishes to terminate a filed registration or certification statement. A client of a firm (non-registered employer) does not use this form to cease lobbying activity. Instead it is deleted by the associated firm, which files a Form 605. Form 606 is filed within 20 days of ceasing all lobbying activity. A final quarterly disclosure statement must be filed for the quarter in which the date of termination is effective.


This form populates the following five CAL-ACCESS files.

Name Description
EFS_FILING_LOG_CD Logs from the Electronic Filing Subsystem, which accepts and validates electronic filings.
CVR_REGISTRATION_CD The cover page of lobbying-registration forms.
FILER_FILINGS_CD An index that links filers to their filings.
TEXT_MEMO_CD Text memos attached to electronic filings.


An example of Form 606.